Drone Art Exhibit at Ceres Street Bakery in Portsmouth Feb. 1-28
Hi everyone! The month of February is “Art ‘Round Town” gallery walk in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Through the month of February, Ceres Street Bakery and Cafe (Portsmouth, New Hampshire) will be featuring my aerial photography on their walls. My goal is simple – create artwork and images that change the way we view and appreciate our natural and cultural landscapes. Aerial drone photography has fundamentally changed the way I see the world, particularly views of inaccessible and inhospitable coastal environments and places such as wetlands, marshes, and bogs. The unappreciated beauty of these places can often only be captured through low-altitude, high-resolution aerial photography. The exhibit will include framed and canvas wrapped images. If you cannot make it to the exhibit, but would like to buy a print, please contact me and I’ll get back to you with pricing and options.