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Change Your World View

Aerial drone environmental services & solutions by Nearview

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We’ve got you covered — from upfront consulting to surveying, mapping, analysis, monitoring, and more.

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We specialize in using drones to help scientists, engineers, researchers, and environmental advocates study, understand, and respond to the world around us.

Solutions by Industry


We invest in powerful UAS drones, equipment, and processes.



We’re driven to make a difference in our environments and communities.

Natural Resources

Natural Resources

A healthy and diverse natural environment is vital to the well-being of our cities and communities. Nearview puts its aerial drone technology to work documenting and monitoring ecosystem health and natural resources that are found in wetlands, forests, and along our shores.

Cultural Resources

Cultural Resources

Historic buildings and archaeological sites are under constant threat by development, sprawl, and climate impacts. These resources are part of our fabric and day-to-day lives – where we live, work, and vacation. Nearview leverages drone technology to document cultural resources so that future generations can know the incredible story of human achievement.



Before making intelligent decisions about our cultural and natural resources, we need precise and accurate information. Nearview is committed to providing high-resolution imagery and data that supports sustainable development, environmental justice, and the well-being of us humans.